Ø315 channels - 5 Chute ØMatrix valves ØFPGA Digital Processor Technology. ØTrichromatic RGB Camera 5400 x 3 Pixel ØOutput: 2.5 to 3.5 TPH ØAir: 90 CFM. 25HP Compressor. ØChannels Distribution -Primary-3, Secondary-1, Final-1 ØProducts: Rice, Dhal, Pulses, Grains, Spices & Plastics
Capacity - 2.5 to 3.5 TPH
Electricity Supply - Single Phase
Automation Grade - Automatic
Voltage - 220 V
Camera - Tri-chromatic
Country of Origin - Made in India
Accuracy - 99%
Brand - Mark
Ø315 channels - 5 Chute ØMatrix valves ØFPGA Digital Processor Technology. ØTrichromatic RGB Camera 5400 x 3 Pixel ØOutput: 2.5 to 3.5 TPH ØAir: 90 CFM. 25HP Compressor. ØChannels Distribution -Primary-3, Secondary-1, Final-1 ØProducts: Rice, Dhal, Pulses, Grains, Spices & Plastics
Capacity - 2.5 to 3.5 TPH
Electricity Supply - Single Phase
Automation Grade - Automatic
Voltage - 220 V
Camera - Tri-chromatic
Country of Origin - Made in India
Accuracy - 99%
Brand - Mark