Product details: Molecular Weight446.12Molecular FormulaC18H15BrCl2O4AppearanceOff white to pale Brown PowerSolubilitySoluble in Toluene & in MDCLoss on DryingNot more than 0.5 %Melting Range1160C to 1200CPurity by G. CNot less than 96.0%
Pack type - HDPE bag
Packaging Size - 25 kg
Grade Standard - Technical Grade
Usage - Industrial
Physical State - Powder
Product details: Molecular Weight446.12Molecular FormulaC18H15BrCl2O4AppearanceOff white to pale Brown PowerSolubilitySoluble in Toluene & in MDCLoss on DryingNot more than 0.5 %Melting Range1160C to 1200CPurity by G. CNot less than 96.0%
Pack type - HDPE bag
Packaging Size - 25 kg
Grade Standard - Technical Grade
Usage - Industrial
Physical State - Powder