The Falling Film Evaporator is an efficient evaporative system where the liquid is distributed onto the inside surface of numerous tubes, creating a thin film as it flows downward. Steam enters the surrounding jacket, transferring heat to the product inside the tubes, causing it to boil. The resulting vapor accelerates to the bottom and is separated in a vapor separator. Operating under vacuum conditions, the Falling Film Evaporator maintains a low temperature (below 100°C), making it ideal for processing heat-sensitive products. This system is widely used in various industries for applications such as concentrating milk from 8-10% up to 45%, preparing effluents for incineration, low-temperature concentration of weak liquors, and concentrating dilute caustic lye solutions, herbal extracts, and fruit juices.
The Falling Film Evaporator is an efficient evaporative system where the liquid is distributed onto the inside surface of numerous tubes, creating a thin film as it flows downward. Steam enters the surrounding jacket, transferring heat to the product inside the tubes, causing it to boil. The resulting vapor accelerates to the bottom and is separated in a vapor separator. Operating under vacuum conditions, the Falling Film Evaporator maintains a low temperature (below 100°C), making it ideal for processing heat-sensitive products. This system is widely used in various industries for applications such as concentrating milk from 8-10% up to 45%, preparing effluents for incineration, low-temperature concentration of weak liquors, and concentrating dilute caustic lye solutions, herbal extracts, and fruit juices.